Friday, August 2, 2013

Sex Part Three: Sushi or Meat & Potatoes

So, here we are at part three. I called this one Sushi or Meat & Potatoes because though sushi is gaining in popularity, it is different. Meat & potatoes is more the status quo meal.

What am I referring to? Well, many couples struggle to find common ground as far as what they think is appropriate and inappropriate regarding sexual activities.

With some couples, it can be almost as hard as trying to decide where to go for dinner. Each one liking a different type of food.

Whether the disconnect is about positions, types of intercourse, play, etc., the main goal is to find a common ground wherein neither party compromises their own self respect.

Neither party should ever be made to or allow themselves to feel taken advantage of or humiliated. Mutual respect for boundaries is of first importance.

For example, if one party feels oral sex, anal sex or a certain position is wrong it may be that the other partner must accept that. However, it may also be important for the couple to discuss how they feel about it and or what they fear they might feel if they participate.

With some partners, especially women, there seems to be a prevalent fear of either being taken advantage of or being seen as, a "slut" or "tramp" for participating in certain things. Many say they "feel dirty" considering or participating in certain activity.

If said activity is illegal, there should be no push to consider such things. If not, counseling might help the partner explore the thoughts behind their feelings and if those are healthy, accurate or holding them back.

Sometimes couples simply need to openly discuss their concerns. Often, when they do they find their fears or concerns are no longer an issue as they were misunderstanding their partners thoughts, intentions, views or desires.

Though talking about sex is uncomfortable for many, open conversation is the best way to explore and resolve this type of intimacy issue.

In the end, the hope is there is enjoyable and agreeable  compromise in the bedroom.

It may be that you always want sushi and your partner only wants steak. Well, surf and turf may be the right mix for you both as a couple.

Or, maybe they try sushi and find they like it.

Like with food, the options are nearly endless.

I hear there is a Super Buffet open 24 hours.


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