Friday, August 30, 2013



Every once in a while we really need one. We thrive one them.

They are the "yeah" moments we congratulate ourselves for.

Small or large we need them and we need to take moments to recognise them- to congratulate ourselves.

No matter how small a victory, rejoice.

If you haven't felt like you have had one in a while, look back on today or the week and ask yourself what you got done.

No, the project may not be done, but did you finish part of it?

Maybe just making it through the week was an accomplishment.

Or, the day.

Take a moment to consider what has been done and rejoice.

Maybe it wasn't perfect. You are human.

Maybe it still needs work. You have tomorrow.

Maybe you need to give yourself a high five because of what you did do.

If you have a friend to share this with, even better. Or, if it can be public shout it out on Facebook or Twitter.

Why not, there are worse things out there and you might even encourage someone else to do the same.

So, maybe today felt kind of blah. Your week seemed to fly by or going by too quickly. But, the week is over.

It's Friday.

It's time to review and ejoice. You accomplished something!

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