Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Get To!

As a mother I sometimes get overwhelmed.

Surprising, I know.

Yesterday as I was grumbling I was reminded of my days at work in offices and how I would stare out the window wishing I could just stay home and play hookie.

Wait a minute. I am playing hookie every day aren't I?

Every day as a stay at home mom I stay home, at least for part of the day.

And, I get to play... Almost all day!

I get to go out and enjoy the sun.

I get to run around.

I have two play mates who I get to play with.

I get to.

Yes, the dishes need to be done. The food needs to be made and there are diaper changes and bottle feedings.

But, I get to play most of the day.

I had forgotten that.

Now, maybe you are thinking like I was, things need to get done and I want to...

Yes, they need to get done some time. But, as a mother, my first priority after feeding, changing and keeping them safe is to play with them.

This play can be free form or structured and it can teach all kinds of things.

It get to dance.







And hug.

And 101 other amazingly fun things.

None of it needs to be or feel like a job.

I need to remember this.

It is a job and it can be hard, but it can also be the most fun ever to play hookie every day with your favorite people.

I get to!

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