Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Forget The Oil

Sometimes we think we have it covered.

We think we know the basics and that is enough.

It is often like that with God.

Many have a been there heard that-

Got baptized or-

Got saved and have the note in the Bible or video to prove it.

And that's it.

Yes, being forgiven is a once and forever deal. The blood was shed and one only needs to accept the gift of salvation once.

But, what about the gift of relationship?

Is that a been there done that?

How could that be?

That is like getting married and never seeing your spouse again. How would that work?

No, that makes no sense.

The Father sent His Son to the cross and then His Holy Spirit because the goal was relationship, not trophies.

Not fans.

Not servants.

He wanted, He wants communication. He wants to spend the rest of your life with you, not just eternity. He wants to be the spouse you tell your secrets to. The one who's shoulder you cry on. The one you rejoice with.

He wants to be your perfect spouse.

I just read Matthew 25 yesterday. I have before, it is about the virgins and the bridegroom.

Christians and Christ.

The ten virgins in Matthew 25 went out to wait for the bridegroom, the Lord. Five were prepared and were welcomed because they had oil and five didn't because they left and went to buy more.

Talk all the theology you want, but at the end of the day would you risk missing out on time with your groom to buy oil?

Aren't there two twigs to rub together?

There must have been something to burn.

Wouldn't there be light wherever the bridegroom would be?

Not only were they unprepared, they lost focus.

For Love, I hope I would have waited.

Even in the dark.

The bridegroom was coming.

Wait, He is here.

You don't need to go find oil.

You need not be distracted by your to-many-things-not-done list.

Even while you do them, or don't do them, He is with you.

He is with you when the commute stinks.

When you are up to your elbows in dishes.

When you pay your bills.

When the kids scream.

He is there.

Don't wait till there is a better time to talk with Him. Don't wait till the dishes are done...

Or till you have enough oil.

The Bridegroom is here.

Relationship is available now.

Forget the dishes.

Forget the commute.

Focus on Love.

And the kids. Yeah, you shouldn't forget those.

But, God is there. He knows the kids are screaming and that guy cut you off.

Don't wait.

Love Him.

He is there.

Here He is! "Come out to meet Him."
(Rev. 25:6)

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