Saturday, August 10, 2013

Say What?

Say what?

That's what I should say more often. We should all say it more often.

We should clarify.

Most of the time we don't.

Instead we end up making assumptions. What a mess they make.

My wonderfully smart husband tried to head this one off early. Before we got married he said, "If what I say could be taken in more than one way and one of them makes you mad, assume I meant the other one."


Fortunately, I remember that often.

I do so because he meant it. He loves me and wouldn't want to hurt me. He isn't a mean person.

Most of the time we should all consider this. Unless someone is actually hateful or mean spirited, and few really are, we would actually benefit from making such a choice.

If someone says, "Wow, you look different". Does it have to mean you had a bad hair day?

If they say, "We haven't seen you in a while". Couldn't it just be what was said without an attached judgement?

Even if they meant the sour version, wouldn't we be better off thinking positively?

If you want to jump to conclusions, maybe you should at least pause and clarify before retaliation.

Say what??

It would be something like, "I think you just said... Did you mean...?"

This would likely save most marriages.

It might even bring more relationships to marriage.

All too often we make assumptions and jump to conclusions that trigger hurt feelings or anger.

Instead of jumping, maybe jump back and take a moment to clarfy with a...

"Say what??"

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