Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What to do With Doubt


Doubt is normal. There is a lot of doubt in the world. People doubt the economy will turn around soon. They doubt world peace will happen. They doubt their two year old will take a nap.

Doubt is everywhere.

People doubt God exisit. Many who even believe in Jesus doubt all the Bible has to say about Him.

Even those who believe the Bible is true struggle with doubt regarding the Word's application to their life.

And their struggles.

This is unfortunate, but it is normal.

Yes, you are normal.

It is not whether or not we doubt. It is what we do with our doubt that matters.

In the moment, when we hear bad news, see or hear a rumor or are in need, what matters is what  thoughts we take hold of.

Notice I said, "take hold of".

We all have far too many thoughts running through our heads most days. Many of these are steeped in fear and doubt, but others are full of hope and faith.

It is our choice to hold on to the latter.

I, like you know this is a struggle and a process. God knows that too. He knows we are a people of little faith.

In the book of John Jesus is noted as telling his disciple Thomas to stop doubting and believe.  This must mean that not only is it normal for followers to doubt, but even those who have seen Jesus with their eyes have to decide if they are going to choose to believe or continue to doubt.

It is a choice.

We all have that choice.

It is a powerful choice.

His Word notes that what we believe and ask for in prayer, we will receive. (Matthew 21:22) And in (Mark 29:23) he notes that everything is possible as we believe.

But, what if we choose to risk exercising our belief regarding these things?

Let's do a cost analysis.

If we choose doubt, we feel safe. We didn't risk feeling or looking foolish. Or, we can choose other risk like medical proceedures, savings banks and staying the same.

We like the same.

Change is risky.

Or, we could choose to risk having faith. We could risk being wrong or feeling foolish, we risk delay in doing what we could have done.

And we risk changing.

But, we also lose out on all the benefits that are tied to faith if it is true.

If scripture is true and we don't choose to believe it...

We miss out on eternal life (John 3:36).

We miss out on our prayers being answered (Matthew 21:22).

We miss out on a loving relationship with the creator of the universe who will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).



Where are the teeth to this risk?

Though it might be normal for you and I to doubt, maybe it is to risky not to believe.

The choice is yours.

The risk is yours.

You choose.

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