Sunday, September 29, 2013

Self Care

So, one or two of you might have wondered where my blogs went.

Well, this is for you.

As a counselor I seem to talk to clients a lot about self care. Recently, I had to take my own advice.

Life gets busy.

As a mother of two little ones, a job and schedule change for my husband and trying the blog and have quiet time daily, my life was getting stressful. I have also been recovering physically from pregnancy.

Though I was trying to push through and do more, I was getting stressed out.

Then my body started to tell me to slow down.

I had some palpitations.

I had a mild panic attack.

My body was saying, "Slow down!"

So, I listened.

I took more breaks, took advantage of my mother babysitting, saw a doctor and stopped blogging. I also allowed an occasional glass of wine at night.

I breathed more- purposefully.

I slowed down.

So, all is well. My heart is fine, but I still need to take my "own medicine" or advice and do some self care.

I encourage all of you to slow down. This world, especially it seems, on the esst coast we move fast- too fast.

We often don't take time to check in with ourselves. We wait till our life situations or bodies tell us we have over done it too long.

Don't wait!

This week, maybe even today, take time to check in with yourself.

Are you doing too much?

Do you need to slow down or do less to take care of yourself?

If yes, what can you change to make life better, easier and even more enjoyable.

I encourage you to be a little selfish, not in a rude way, but in a self care way. Focus on your needs. Take care of you.

It is important!

It's this way in an airplane. The flight attendants always tell you to put your own oxygen mask on and then help others. It is the same everywhere.

You are no use to anyone else if you aren't healthy.

Take a deep breath.

Take time out.

Take care of you!

1 comment:

  1. Yes self care is SO important!!!!!! I am a social worker and have talked to clients A LOT about taking care of themselves so they can take care of their family, and this usually starts with setting boundaries...way to set a boundary :)
