Wednesday, September 11, 2013


So, today I am thinking about medication and medical necesity.

I had some dental work this morning and because novocaine has been unpredictable in the past I have taken my dentist's suggestion and took a Valume.

Did I "need" it, no. But, did I want to potentially be without pain, yes!

It was the same with the births of my two kids. Did I "need" an epidural. Technically, no. But, my goodness, it brought sanity and an allowance for joy to the process.

Medical necessity is not exact science. Pain and discomfort tolerance is different for everyone.

Some people prefer to "tough it out" and deal or cope with their struggles in even an almost torturous manner. Others grab hold of helps quickly.

Neither is bad.

I am not talking about self-medicating in an addictive manner, but in a self care manner. Everyone has different needs and circumstances.

If you have panic attacks medication can help.

If you have chronic depression or mood instability, medication can bring peace.

If you are in physical pain, medication might help.

But, all these with the assistance of a doctor and monitoring for appropriateness based on need.

Sometimes, medication is good.

What about the argument that it is a sign of impatientce because God can heal? Well, he can and does... and in scripture.

Sometimes through the miraculous. Sometimes through medicine. Sometimes through doctors.


So, is it bad to choose medication?

No. Not as long as it is medically necessary.

You need to decide when that is.

If it is, do it- If you want.

You probably use novocaine for dental work.

You probably take Tylenol or Advil for headaches.

You'd likely take morphine for major surgery.

Why not an antidepressant, anti-anxiety, or other medication if needed?

Do what you need to do to take care of yourself and live well.

Oh, and before I get a hundred comments about side effects- weigh it out. If the benefit out weighs the risk and the doctors are suggesting it, do your research and take what you need to.

If you don't like risk, stop taking Tylenol, Advil and any other over the counter medication. But, if you have had enough pain, you might want to take some.

Within doctors orders and suggested dosages of course.

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