Monday, July 8, 2013

This One's For All the Single Ladies... and Gentlemen

There are countless pieces of advice I could dole out for singles. I could blog about sex, that would raise some interest. Look, you are already reading faster. I could blog about communication. That is also important. I could even blog about ten ways to... well, never mind. Instead this is about choices.

I have seen and heard of far too many singles who have made bad choices. These choices, though they certainly can lead to sex, start out in a fish tank. Yup, a fish tank.

When you look for a mate where do you look? Do you look at your school? Your work? The Gym? The local pub? Of course. But, maybe you shouldn't. You see, far too many times people look around a think, "Who might fit?" If you think about this, they are limiting themselves to those people they see at that time and in that environment. They look in their fish tank. Yes, many people find their mate in one of these fish tanks and are thankful. They enjoy happy relationships and even marriage. But, there are countless others who settle for a fish just because they were in their tank.

Admit it, you have probably done this. You dated someone (that you later shook your head about) simply because they were the best you found at the time. You chose based on your fish in your tank. The problem was, you are not a fish and that one you went on a date with was not exactly a great catch. You settled.

Settling can never, ever, ever end up well. Think about it. Think about the last time you went to the mall, grocery, bar, gym etc. Who was there? Yes, maybe there was a really hot young thing there. And, maybe they had a spouse, another already on the side and an addiction. Nice choice. Or, maybe they are a introvert who reads two books a week in their favorite chair and you can't stay home more than an hour. This is a more realistic possibility, but you can see where I am going with this.

If you settle, this might be who you meet for dinner this weekend. Why? It's because you did not wait till you checked out another tank. Unlike fish, you can check out other tanks. You can even wait for the fish to change in the same one. You don't have to settle. Students don't need to date someone from their school. Those working don't have to find someone through work. And please, when you go to a bar especially if you only frequent one, don't order another drink hoping the crowd will seem more appealing. It won't especially if you wake up and have to do the walk of shame and that's what it will be if you settle, a darn shame.

Okay, so I guess I did write about sex. I wrote the word three times now and maybe that's why you are still reading this. Either way, the advice is out there. Just as there are plenty of fish in the sea, there are plenty of tanks to choose from.

Happy fishing!

Oh, and I promise my next blog won't mention fish.

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